#49 Lake Arrowhead Bird Walk

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This week, I speak with Mort Putnam about the birds we saw on a walk I led at Lake Arrowhead in California back in June, and I share some of the bird songs and calls I recorded there.

This week, I speak with Mort Putnam about the birds we saw on a walk I led at Lake Arrowhead in California back in June, and I share some of the bird songs and calls I recorded there.

Show Notes

This Episode

Birds seen:

  • Nuttall’s Woodpecker

  • Acorn Woodpecker

  • American Robin

  • Steller’s Jay

  • Spotted Towhee

  • Red breasted Nuthatch 

  • Brewer’s Blackbird

  • Blackheaded Grosbeak


Birds heard:

  • Scrub Jay

  • Cooper’s Hawk


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