A cold, wet, windy summer’s day brought moments of wonder with Ravens, Little Terns and Black-tailed Godwits!
An evening walk to find Nightjars with the Lady-Birders of the Hampshire Ornithological Society.
Our search for a Glossy Ibis was remarkably straightforward, with a little help from eBird and a sprinkling of luck
Continuing my 2021 Challenge to post a bird photo every day on my social media channels, under the hashtag #DailyBirdPix.
Here the posts are collated into a single blog post.
This week, photos posted from 11th to 17th January are included, and these are all birds that have visited my garden.
I made a New Year Challenge to myself to post a bird photo every day on my social media channels, under the hashtag #DailyBirdPix.
Each week I will collate the posts made into a blog post.
For this first week, photos posted to 10th January are included, and these are all birds that have visited my garden since the 1st January 2021.
There was an unexpected, and unprecedented, visit to my garden this morning from a Lesser Black-backed Gull, which then seemed unable to leave.
Don’t worry, there was a good outcome!
The Hawfinch is a large finch, its most striking feature being its powerful, oversized, cone-shaped bill. Its diet includes fruits and insects, but that powerful beak really comes into its own when breaking into the kernels of cherries!