132 The power of finding your community - Stephen Moss

Naturalist, author and broadcaster Stephen Moss joins Suzy in a wide-ranging conversation covering the importance of supporting younger members of the wildlife community, recovery from serious illness and the challenges of individual efforts to mitigate the biodiversity crisis.

Recorded live at Global Birdfair 2023

#132: Stephen Moss


Click here to listen to the episode


 Global BirdFair information and tickets: Global BirdFair website

 Link to my last episode with Stephen: Stephen Moss at Global BirdFair 2022

Your bird stories

Tell me about your bird stories - contact me on the casualbirder.com website

The Casual Birder Bird Club

  • The Casual Birder Bird Club is an online bird club that meets every month. 

  • Sometimes we feature guest speakers, but most months a group of us get together to talk about the birds we've seen, share birding moments that have brought us joy, and ask questions or get help from the community.

  • If meeting up with a group of friendly people from around the world to talk about the birds you've seen sounds like something you'd like to do, you'd be very welcome to join us.

  • Sign up here: The Casual Birder Bird Club

Support the show

If you would like to help support the show’s production, you can add to the show’s tip jar by buying me a virtual coffee here 

The Casual Birder Podcast   https://casualbirder.com/

Don't miss an episode - follow the show!

My thanks to Randy Braun for designing the artwork for the show and to The Drones for the theme music Short Sleeved Shirt. Check out their website at www.dronesmusic.net

Transcript - Coming soon!