#10 Penguins Part 2

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Part 2 of the special penguin edition.

Suzy is joined by her husband, John, to talk about the penguins they saw in Antarctica in 2014.

This week's penguins are Gentoo, King, Chinstrap and Adelie.

Part 2 of the special penguin edition. Suzy is joined by her husband, John, to talk about the penguins they saw in Antarctica in 2014. This week's penguins are Gentoo, King, Chinstrap and Adelie. If you like the show, please rate and review it, and share that you listened on social media.

Show Notes

This Episode

Part 2 of the special penguin edition. Suzy is joined by her husband, John, to talk about the penguins they saw in Antarctica in 2014.

This week's penguins are Gentoo, King, Chinstrap and Adelie.

Part 1 was in episode 9.

If you like the show, please rate and review it, and share that you listened on social media.



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